Human Dimensions Committee

The Human Dimensions Committee was established by the President to be comprised of members from the Board as appointed by the President and affirmed by the Board. The committee’s approved Statement of Purpose: 

“Serve as a forum for discussion and appropriate action on Human Dimensions in Wildlife (HD) research topics and applications, including, but not limited to:
HD projects underway in WAFWA member states and provinces;
HD projects initiated by the committee itself;
Current HD theory, methodologies, and practical applications;
Training and other HD professional development opportunities;
Other HD research conferences, networks and professional associations.
The committee will work with other similar committees and other associations and the International, and with appropriate federal and quasi-federal agencies”.

WAFWA 2022 Summer Meeting – Human Dimension Committee Minutes

WAFWA 2023 Summer Meeting – Human Dimension Committee Minutes

Members List

Mike Quartuch, Chair
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Betsey York, Vice-Chair
Oklahoma Dept. of Wildlife Conservation