ON THE HORIZON: August 2017, Issue 7

Posted by WAFWA on August 1, 2017
Sage-grouse white papers, conservation heroes & new lesser prairie-chicken video. Find out about the latest efforts to conserve the lands, waters and wildlife in the West.
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ON THE HORIZON: June 2017, Issue 6

Posted by WAFWA on June 1, 2017
Sagebrush conservation, Lesser prairie-chicken field trip & grants for trout projects. Find out about the latest efforts to conserve the lands, waters, and wildlife in the West.
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ON THE HORIZON-Issue 5- April 2017

Posted by WAFWA on April 1, 2017
Find out about the latest efforts to conserve the lands, waters, and wildlife in the West.
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ON THE HORIZON: February 2017, Issue 4

Posted by WAFWA on February 1, 2017
Find out about the latest efforts to conserve the lands, waters and wildlife in the West.
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ON THE HORIZON: September 2016, Issue 2

Posted by WAFWA on September 1, 2016
Find out about the latest efforts to conserve the lands, waters, and wildlife in the West.
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Forbes: Regulators’ Delisting Of Lesser Prairie Chicken A Win, And A Test, For Voluntary Conservation

Posted by WAFWA on August 2, 2016
On July 20, 2016, ten months after a U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas judge ruled that federal regulators erred in finding the lesser prairie chicken “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the US Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) finalized its delisting decision.
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AMI Newswire: Prairie Bird Loses its Endangered Status, but Conservation Efforts Continue

Posted by WAFWA on July 26, 2016
Environmentalists concerned about the fate of the lesser prairie-chicken had their feathers ruffled twice over the past week. First, the new GOP platform objected to the bird’s inclusion on the endangered species list. Second, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officially stripped the chicken of its federally protected status.  But…
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ON THE HORIZON: July 2016, Issue 1

Posted by WAFWA on July 1, 2016
Find out about the latest efforts to conserve the lands, waters, and wildlife in the West.
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