Committees & Working Groups

Provided below are the official 2024 WAFWA standing committees, sub-committees and working groups. Each is led by state, provincial or territorial fish and wildlife agency leaders appointed by WAFWA’s President. Committee members are nominated by their agency or organization director each year.

Working Groups

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ESA Informational Working Group

The purpose of this working group is to collaborate and inform state and USFWS planning actions associated with State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAPs) and ESA listing workload post-Multispecies District Litigation species listing actions. The ESAIWG has agreed to hold quarterly conference calls to update each other on activities and two face-to- face workshops were held in 2017 and 2019. Various species-specific workgroups have been formed and report back to the ESAIWG.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
Bill Van Pelt, Chair
Beth Forbus, Vice-Chair
Tim McCoy, Director Sponsor
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Human/Wildlife Conflicts Working Group

Identify the highest priority human/wildlife conflict issues and pool information regarding successful techniques to address them; to identify those wildlife damage and human/wildlife conflict issues where effective management techniques are lacking, and make recommendations to member agencies for the development of new alternatives, and to facilitate the exchange of information regarding human/wildlife conflict among the western states and provinces.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
Eric Gardner, Chair
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Western Monarch & Native Insect Pollinator Working Group

Identify and promote unified, ecosystem-based management approaches at the landscape-level for the western population of the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus plexippus), and pollinators in general, across all partner agencies and interested partners.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
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Western Quail Working Group

Implement the habitat objectives and management recommendations outlined in the WAFWA's Western Quail Management Plan.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:


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Access and Engagement Committee

To support efforts of WAFWA public agencies to create a more accessible and engaging workforce by eliminating barriers and developing broad and meaningful relationships with an array of people and organizations.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
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Awards and Recognition Committee

Solicit and judge nominees for annual WAFWA awards.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
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Climate Adaptation Committee

Increase coordination and communication among western states/provinces on key climate change related issues, support regional efforts to develop strategies to manage the effects of climate related changes to fish and wildlife habitats, and monitoring and informing western states about the potential for future funding from federal climate change legislation.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
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Commissioners’ Committee

Solicit ideas from commissioners for discussion, evaluation and recommendation to the Executive Committee; keep commissioners informed of issues and actions and similar items with national or regional importance of a policy nature; and interact with other committees as necessary. Commissioners must recognize that all Commissions do not have the same authorities or responsibilities in each State.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
Tim Ragen, Chair
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Deputies Committee

We aim to promote collaboration, information sharing, policy development, capacity building, professional development, and international cooperation among western wildlife agencies.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
Mike Canning, Chair
Mike Scott, Vice-Chair
Ty Gray, Leadership Sponsor
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Executive Committee

Make interim decisions for the Association as defined in the Constitution and Bylaws; consider petitions for technical committees, workshops and other regional coordination efforts within the domain of the Association; set registration fee for next year’s conference; review and approve ideas, recommendations and decisions of other committees as appropriate; and oversee all contracts.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
Tim McCoy, President (Chair)
J Shirley, Vice President
Jeff Davis, At Large Member
Jim Fredericks, At Large Member
Kevin Robling, At Large Member
Zachary Lowe, WAFWA Leadership
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Fisheries Committee

Evaluate issues facing inland and marine fisheries affecting western states and provinces and to provide recommendations for actions to WAFWA to address these issues.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
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Geospatial Technical Committee

A network of technology and data professionals interested in sharing emerging technologies, working through technology-related challenges, and producing products to assist WAFWA member state fish and wildlife agencies.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
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Habitat Committee

Advance wildlife and fishery health by reviewing and recommending methods to conserve, restore and manage habitats on both public and private lands and waters in the West.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
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Human Dimensions Committee

Serve as a forum for discussion and appropriate action on Human Dimensions in Wildlife (HD) research topics and applications, including, but not limited to: HD projects underway in WAFWA member states and provinces; HD projects initiated by the committee itself; current HD theory, methodologies, and practical applications; training and other HD professional development opportunities; other HD research conferences, networks and professional associations; and implementation of the Issues Management Handbook. The committee will work with other similar committees and other associations and the International, and with appropriate federal and quasi-federal agencies.

Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
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Law Enforcement Committee

Encourage and promote law enforcement cooperation and consistency, encourage and develop efficient and innovative law enforcement practices, promote wildlife or resource law enforcement training and education programs for officers, provide a forum for the collection and dissemination of information relating to changes in relevant law(s), review and provide comment to proposed and enacted relevant legislative changes, encourage the highest possible ethics, standards and practices for wildlife or resource related law enforcement, encourage the most courteous, impartial and efficient law enforcement services to the public, and properly staff assignments from, and convey recommendations and advice to, the WAFWA directors relating to wildlife and resource law enforcement issues.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
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Legal Committee

To address legal issues of common interest to member agencies and provide networking support for the attorneys of these agencies. The committee is also available to investigate issues of interest to WAFWA.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
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Mule Deer Working Group

Develop strategies for management of declining mule deer populations throughout the West, improve communication among mule deer biologists throughout the West, and provide a forum to respond to information needs from agency administration.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
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Nominating Committee

Recommend candidates for elected offices each year, recommend host locations for the annual conference, provide direction and assistance on how to plan for and conduct a successful annual conference, and conduct a debriefing session among committee members at the conclusion of the annual conference.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
Jim Fredericks, Chair
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Nongame/Endangered Fish & Wildlife Species Committee

Identify and address nongame and endangered species issues, and provide support on them to the WAFWA member states and provinces. Further, coordinate relevant activities with, and among, WAFWA member states and provinces, federal agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and the Threatened and Endangered Species Policy Committee of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
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Public Affairs Committee

Identify, address and recommend actions to enhance our ability to educate and communicate effectively with all audiences to increase the understanding of fish and wildlife conservation.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
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R3 Committee

Discussing, gathering information and/or identifying actions relative to all aspects of these important issues and to report its deliberations and recommendations to the Directors for either informational purposes or their approval at both the mid-winter or annual business meetings. Implement these positions/priorities within WAFWA member agencies where there is interest in doing so and/or advance and advocate these priorities and proposed actions within the framework of AFWA to achieve even greater and more meaningful results.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
Scott Lavin, Chair
Aaron Hershberger, Vice-Chair
Kevin Robling, Leadership Sponsor
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Sage & Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Technical Committee

Provide technical assistance to the SIC and assist in implementation of sagebrush ecosystem conservation priorities throughout the western U.S.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
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Wildlife Chiefs Committee

Discuss policy, biology, and environmental influences affecting terrestrial wildlife management throughout the West.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
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Wildlife Health Committee

To provide technical guidance to agency administrations through written documents; to foster communication between those interested in wildlife health issues in the West; and to aid in efficient management of wildlife health issues through regional coordination.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair:
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Wildlife Movement & Migration Committee

A forum where jurisdictions can share information, methods, and foster collaboration on wildlife movement and migration. The committee will also serve the important function of providing information and updates to the directors and consistent messaging to media and legislators on behalf of WAFWA.
Committee Chair / Co-Chair: