Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is one of four standing committees set forth in WAFWA’s Constitution and Bylaws. Committee membership is comprised of the President (who chairs the committee), the Vice-President, and three other Directors serving as at-large members appointed by the President and affirmed by the Board. The committee’s approved Statement of Purpose:

“Make interim decisions for the Association as defined in the Constitution and Bylaws; consider petitions for technical committees, workshops and other regional coordination efforts within the domain of the Association; set registration fee for next year’s conference; review and approve ideas, recommendations and decisions of other committees as appropriate; and oversee all contracts.”

The committee meets at least twice a year in conjunction with the WAFWA annual conference and mid-winter meeting, and such other times in the interim as may be required to take up business matters. Learn more about the WAFWA conferences/meetings (HERE).

Members List

Tim McCoy, President (Chair)
Nebraska Game & Parks Commission
J Shirley, Vice President
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Brian Nesvik, At Large Member
Wyoming Game and Fish Department
Ty Gray, At Large Member
Arizona Game and Fish Department
Jeff Davis, At Large Member
Colorado Parks & Wildlife
Kevin Robling, At Large Member
South Dakota Game, Fish, & Parks
Zachary Lowe, WAFWA Leadership