ON THE HORIZON: September 2016, Issue 2
Posted by WAFWA on September 1, 2016

![]() The conference theme was Forever Wild. Forever West. Pardners in Conservation, and the plenary session showcased several projects that underscored the value of collaborative conservation efforts, including the recovery efforts for the black-footed ferret. Nearly 40 individual sessions covered conservation issues of concern, from a meeting of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken Initiative Council to numerous committee and working groups meetings regarding various wildlife species and program disciplines to a session on State/Federal/Tribal communications. Outgoing WAFWA president Scott Talbott, director of Wyoming Game and Fish, wrote about the conference in the August issue of Wyoming Wildlife Magazine.One of the highlights of the WAFWA conference was the opportunity for agency representatives to experience a conservation success story firsthand: the release of black-footed ferrets into the wild. Several busloads of conference attendees headed to Meeteetse, Wyoming, on the final evening of the conference to witness the historic reintroduction of the animal back to the ranches where the species was rediscovered in 1981. Prior to that discovery, the species was believed to be extinct. Beginning in 1986, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service founded a successful captive breeding program for black-footed ferrets. Captive breeding continues even today and captive bred and raised ferrets have been released throughout western North America. “This is an historic moment for the recovery of this species. It is an honor for the men and women who serve the public and wildlife in Wyoming to be a part of this effort,” said Scott Talbott, director of Wyoming Game and Fish. “This is a biologically sound and historical place to host a reintroduction and we thank the ranch owners for their commitment to recovery of black-footed ferrets. The decades of hard work from Game and Fish and our numerous partners show in these recovery efforts.” ![]() ![]() “It’s an honor to serve as the president of WAFWA at such an important time in our history,” said Broscheid. “The collaborative conservation efforts we’re pioneering in the West are becoming a model for successful efforts elsewhere in the country. We all recognize the conservation challenges and uncertainties ahead and the importance of our leadership has never been greater.” Other board members elected for a year’s term are:First Vice-President: Curt Melcher, Director, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Second Vice-President: Keith Sexson, Director, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Third Vice-President: Greg Sheehan, Director, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Executive Secretary: Larry Kruckenberg Treasurer: Deb VonDeBur ![]() “I am honored to be given the opportunity to join WAFWA and the lesser-prairie chicken team,” said Wolfe. “For a conservation professional, it’s exciting to be part of the landscape-scale impacts that the range-wide plan provides. All of our partners should be proud of the progress that has been made so far with development and initial implementation of the plan.” Photo Credits: Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Roger Wolfe |
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