WAFWA Welcomes Brian Nesvik as New President
At our July Summer Meeting, the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies elected Brian Nesvik Director of Wyoming Fish and Game as President. Brian served two terms as WAFWA Vice President and a member of the Executive Committee for two years prior to stepping up to the President’s role.
“Serving as WAFWA’s President is a true honor and I am proud to represent western states and provinces,” said Nesvik. “I look forward to continuing the great work of our organization over the coming year and am particularly inspired by some of the conservation opportunities we have before us. Conserving and protecting wildlife movement corridors is a top priority in the West. We have incredible cutting-edge science, newly available financial resources, and passionate partners. The conditions are ripe for our organization to help states implement their wildlife movement priorities. Additionally, with WAFWA’s recent retooling of its committee, working group, and initiative structure, we are poised to upscale our traditional conservation work.”
Nesvik is replacing Dr. Jennifer Psyllakis, Director of British Columbia’s Fish and Wildlife Branch who served a two-year term as President of WAFWA.
“Dr. Psyllakis was sitting President when we celebrated our 100th anniversary in Oklahoma in 2023. She consistently asked, ‘where to from here’ to help launch WAFWA into its second century with direction and purpose,” said Zach Lowe, WAFWA’s Executive Director. “We thank Jen for her leadership and inclusivity and her investment of energy into our organization.”
Nesvik will chair his first WAFWA meeting at the Executive Leadership Meeting November 29 – December 1 in Nevada.

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