Mountain Lion Workshop

March 17, 2025 - March 20, 2025

Albuquerque, NM

The Mountain Lion Workshop is held every three years sanctioned by WAFWA.  The workshop provides a forum where leading mountain lion managers and researchers share research results, management strategies, and emerging issues in the realms of mountain lion management throughout North America. 

The 14th WAFWA Mountain Lion Workshop took place in Albuquerque, NM March 17-20, 2025.


Subject to change

View Schedule

Location and Lodging

The 2025 Mountain Lion Workshop will be at Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town located at 800 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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Early bird (before 1/15/2025):
Professional $350; Student $200
Standard registration (1/15 thru 2/28):
Professional $400; Student $225
Late Registration (3/1 thru 3/20):
Professional $450; Student $250

Attendee Registration

Join us as a Sponsor!

We welcome sponsors and vendors! If you are interested, see our 
for details.

Please be aware of WAFWA’s sponsor policy.

Sponsor Now

Call for Presentations & Posters

  • The program will consist of two types of sessions: Contributed Oral Presentations, and Poster Presentations. Topics include: population demographics, movement and spatial ecology, management, human dimensions, and advancements in monitoring and research. Additionally, state and provincial attendees are invited to provide agency updates on current management and research efforts within their jurisdiction.
  • Submit your abstract for either a general contributed oral presentation or a poster. Abstracts are limited to 300 words. 
  • Please submit an abstract only if you plan to attend the meeting. Presenting authors must be registered for the workshop.
  • Send your submission as a Word document to Nick Forman ( with the subject line “Mountain Lion Workshop Abstract.” Indicate in the document whether you are contributing for an oral presentation or poster.

Tentative Schedule-at-a-glance

Monday – 3/17/2025
Registration 2pm
Opening Reception (Drinks and light fare) 5-7pm
Tuesday – 3/18/2025
Registration 7:30am
Welcome – Workshop Details 8-8:30am
Session: General Biology-Ecology-Management 8:40-10am
Break 10-10:20am
Session: Spatial Ecology I 10:20-12pm
Lunch (provided at Hotel Albuquerque) 12-1pm
Session: Spatial Ecology II 1-2:20pm
Break 2:20-2:40pm
Session: Inter-/Intraspecific Interactions 2:40-4:20pm
Panel Discussion: Getting to the Numbers: IPMs, research successes/failures, future directions 4:20-5:30
Dinner (not provided)
Wednesday – 3/19/2025
Announcements 8-8:10am
Session:State/Provincial Updates 8:10-10:00am
Break 10-10:20am
Panel Discussion: Exploring the Dynamics of Research, Management and Hounds 10:20-11:20am
Session: State/Provincial Updates 11:20am-12pm
Lunch (not provided) 12-1:20pm
Session: Genetics, Health, and Disease 1:20-3:20pm
Break 3:20-3:40am
State/Provincial Updates 3:40-5pm
Dinner (provided at Hotel Albuquerque) 6:30-8pm
Thursday – 3/20/2025
Announcements 8-8:05am
Session: Conflict and Coexistence 8:05-10:45
State/Provincial Updates 11-12pm
Panel Discussion: Workshop vs Working Group, Business Meeting 12-1pm

For a more detailed (but still tentative) schedule:

View Tentative Schedule

2025 Workshop Location and Lodging

The 2025 Mountain Lion Workshop will be at Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town located at 800 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico. This hotel is located about 8 miles (15 minutes) from the Albuquerque International Sunport airport (ABQ). The hotel does not offer shuttles to an from the airport, but several taxi and rideshare companies service the area.

An attendee room block has been reserved at Hotel Albuquerque for March 17-20 with a rate of $144.00 plus a $20 amenity fee per night. You must reserve your room by March 4, 2025. Any remaining room block rooms will be released to the hotel’s general inventory after this date.

To reserve a room online, use this link. This link is only valid for the room block dates. You must select your date of arrival and departure from the drop down menu. If you choose to extend your stay, please use the call-in option below.

To reserve a room over the phone, call (866) 505-7829 and provide the group code: MOUNTAIN.

Proceedings of Prior Workshops

2005. Proceedings of the 8th Mountain Lion Workshop, Washington (PDF, 10 MB).

2008. Proceedings of the 9th Mountain Lion Workshop, Idaho (PDF, 5 MB).

2011. Proceedings of the 10th Mountain Lion Workshop, Montana (PDF, 4 MB)

2014. Proceedings of the 11th Mountain Lion Workshop, Utah (PDF, 2 MB)

2017. Proceedings of the 12th Mountain Lion Workshop, Colorado (PDF, 7 MB)

2022. Proceedings of the 13th Mountain Lion Workshop, Oregon (PDF, 3MB)

A WAFWA Sanctioned Workshop

The Mountain Lion Workshop is held every three years and is sanctioned by WAFWA.  The workshop provides a forum where leading mountain lion managers and researchers share research results, management strategies, and emerging issues in the realms of mountain lion management throughout North America. 

The 2025 event coordinator, Nick Forman, can be contacted at or by phone at 505-476-8041.