
Wild Sheep Capture & Handling Guidelines, 2nd edition

Posted by WAFWA on July 2, 2024
Introduction and Pre-Capture Planning The capture of wildlife has its roots in providing nutrients for human consumption, whether through the domestication of wild animals or for more immediate use as a source of protein (Drew 2020). Over the millennia, methods of capturing wildlife have evolved in terms of their…
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Talking Points: Resiratory Disease in Wild Sheep

Posted by WAFWA on October 1, 2016
WAFWA Wildlife Health Committee/Wild Sheep Working Group, October 2016.
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Posted by WAFWA on July 1, 2016
In this document, the Wild Sheep Working Group (WSWG) has identified the most difficult and formidable management and conservation challenges faced by bighorn sheep and the professionals responsible for managing this important natural resource (see Table 1). Among these challenges are those related to habitat, disease, predation, population management, organizational…
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Records of Wild Sheep Translocations – United States and Canada, 1922-Present

Posted by WAFWA on June 1, 2015
Translocations have played an integral role in bighorn sheep restoration and management.  Use of translocations for restoring wild sheep began in 1922 with the capture of 20 bighorns in Alberta, Canada and subsequent release of 12 animals in Montana and 8 animals at Custer State Park, South Dakota. Since then,…
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2014. WAFWA Wildlife Health Committee. Bighorn Sheep Herd Health Monitoring Recommendations

Posted by WAFWA on January 3, 2015
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Bighorn Sheep: Conservation Challenges and Management Strategies for the 21st Century

Posted by WAFWA on July 1, 2014
In this document, the Wild Sheep Working Group (WSWG) has identified the most difficult and formidable management and conservation challenges faced by bighorn sheep and the professionals responsible for managing this important natural resource (see Table 1). Among these challenges are those related to habitat, disease, predation, population management, organizational…
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Recommendations for Domestic Sheep and Goat Management in Wild Sheep Habitat

Posted by WAFWA on July 1, 2012
Although the risk of disease transmission from domestic sheep or goats to wild sheep is widely recognized, a unified set of management recommendations for minimizing this risk has not been adopted by responsible agencies. These Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) recommendations were produced to help state, provincial,…
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