The goal and purpose of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) Western Monarch and Native Insect Pollinator (WMNIP) working group is to identify and prioritize voluntary strategies and actions with landscape-level benefits to declining populations of insect pollinators. In particular, the 2023 Work Plan aims to benefit wide-ranging species through multistate and agency coordination, to facilitate species recoveries and thereby preclude the need for federal listing actions.
This work plan provides WAFWA WMNIP working group state members and partners with a near-term (less than 3 years) direction and strategies for identifying shared priorities, best management practices, and partnership opportunities to facilitate voluntary conservation actions for at-risk, native insect
pollinators and their habitat.
To accomplish this, the work plan outlines criteria for determining shared priority species and habitats, optional blueprint language to include in conservation planning documents based on management authority, landscape-level actions to benefit insect pollinators, a summary of resources, partnerships, and key challenges to address, and next steps for communicating this process with partners.
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_Public Portion_ 2023 WMNIP WG 3 year Work Plan | Download |
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- Publication Date November 9, 2023
- Download Count (since 10/2020) [774]