HomeDeveloping a social science research agenda to guide managers in sagebrush ecosystems

Developing a social science research agenda to guide managers in sagebrush ecosystems

Sagebrush dominates much of the western United States, but invasive plants, altered fire regimes, exurban development, and other disturbances threaten the health of sagebrush ecosystems and the species that depend on them. Resource managers and other stakeholders face significant challenges in balancing healthy, functioning ecosystems while supporting human uses and addressing environmental changes....


Suggested Citation:

Bennett, D., C. Barnwell, K. Freedman, S. Smutko, T. Wittman, and J. Western. 2019. Developing a
social science research agenda to guide managers in sagebrush ecosystems. University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY: Ruckelshaus
Institute of Environment and Natural Resources.

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  • Publication Date September 1, 2019
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