HomeTrojan Male Fish Coordination and Program Development

Trojan Male Fish Coordination and Program Development

The Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) seeks a highly qualified Senior Fisheries Specialist to oversee the administration and business development of the Trojan Male Fish program in Western North America.  Operationally, the Trojan Male Fish program requires program coordination, oversight of research and development priorities, pursuit and delivery of grants, and oversight through the WAFWA Fisheries Committee, Executive Business Offices, and ultimately the Board of Directors.

Trojan Male Fish (also known as YY Males) is a bold fisheries management concept developed over the last decade which has demonstrated the ability to displace undesirable invasive/naturalized fish species in “closed” natural systems in favor of endemic species.  The process is built on using hatchery “feminized” (egg-laying) male fish of the targeted “problem” species, that possess only Y chromosomes after lab-controlled development, to inundate existing wild populations and alter sex ratios.  When operating as planned the hatchery raised feminized fish are released in targeted wild populations and reproduce with naturalized males, producing only male offspring, skewing the sex ratio to nearly all males and allowing more favorable species to advance.  This is made possible through the development of species-specific laboratory “recipes” to feminize fish, a network of state hatcheries used to aid in production, and fisheries managers able to release and monitor targeted populations. The cooperative program created by WAFWA member states to advance and maintain this program is known as the Trojan Male Fish Consortium (TMFC).


  1. WAFWA Executive Coordination (20%)
    • Maintain communication and administrative direction and operations with WAFWA, Fisheries Committee, Business Office, and Executive Leadership.
    • Work to develop and administer principles of a Trojan Male Fish business plan that includes a 3-, 5-, and 10- year expectations, resource needs assessment, and multiple possibilities for program longevity.
    • Lead the program with an adaptable mindset that helps navigate Trojan Male Fish from a pilot program of WAFWA to a more robust cornerstone of western Fisheries management.
  2. Trojan Male Fish Consortium Management and Coordination (40%)
    • Monitor and manage deliverables and budgets within the TMFC, providing needed reports to WAFWA Business office and Fisheries Committee quarterly and as assigned.
    • Serve as point of contact, monitor, and create reports as required to outside granting agencies.
    • Working with WAFWA business office and Fisheries Committee to develop needed scopes of work, coordinate, and develop agreements as necessary with researchers to finalize sex markers and sex reversal recipes for Common Carp, Brown trout, and Walleye.
    • Serve as a conduit between WAFWA member agencies who participate in the TMFC, other funding partners, and the Business Office to ensure administration of annual invoices, payments, and reporting.
    • Secure additional funding from private, state, or federal sources to support the TMFC.
    • Monitor current and out-year funding requests and status.
  3. Trojan Male Fish Consortium Logistical Coordination (20%)
    • Work with TMFC funded researchers to collate scientific investigation among states and other partners.
    • Coordinate technical guidance meetings with active researchers.
    • Work with WAFWA partners to coordinate TMFC meetings.
    • Facilitate YY Brook Trout Technical Team for discussions such as field evaluations and recommended priority of distribution of YY Male Brook Trout eggs.
    • Identify hatchery locations to maintain YY broodstocks.
  4. Permitting Coordination (20%)
    • Work with TMFC, Aquatic Animal Drug Approval Project, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to secure Investigation New Animal Drug (INAD) for one facility applying estradiol for feminization of brown trout and for Indexing of estradiol for salmonids.
    • Coordinate the public/private partnership between NovaEel, Inc., private consultants identified to facilitate the FDA permitting processes, and Precision Sciences, Inc. (and other interested parties).


The manner in which the Services are to be performed and the specific hours to be worked within the limits of the program budget, shall be determined by WAFWA with the successful applicant. The fulfillment of these duties has multiple options for the status of employment and associated compensation. Options include the following – can be Term (3 year) or longer but depends on renewed funding:

  1. Term Staff position at WAFWA with associated benefits
  2. Term Contract Position in service to WAFWA
  3. Term Fisheries Conservation Fellowship, targeting the professional advancement of mid-career member staff as a split appointment between WAFWA member agency staff in coordination with WAFWA and host Agency.  (Similar to WAFWA’s Wild Sheep Initiative Lead and the Senior Wildlife Health Coordinator positions)


WAFWA has budgeted an annual compensation to include all of the above duties in 40 hours/week “full-time” equivalent position estimated at $65K-90K per year for three years.  Hours are variable per week depending on workload and must be contained within total budget “not to exceed” caps over 12 months. Under various Performance of Services scenarios above a “part time appointment” can be made in any of the employment status to accommodate as little as 50% appointment with the remaining percentage to be administered to specific contract services as determined by WAFWA and the successful candidate.  We recognize that this type of “yet to be determined” employment structure may be unusual to some.  Our intention is to get the best applicant for the job duties request and work with that individual to finalize a compensation package that fits their professional need and abilities under the requirements of the WAFWA and associated funding streams for the Trojan Male Fish Consortium.


Coordinator shall be entitled to reimbursement from WAFWA for the following “out-of-pocket” expenses which are preapproved and supported by budget: travel expenses (common carrier, federal mileage rates and government room rates), meals (federal per diem IRS guidelines), postage, printing, copying, and other office expenses excluding base phone or cell phone. Requests for reimbursement shall be made on forms provided by the WAFWA staff and substantiated by receipts. 


Support from WAFWA includes a nimble and capable business office, grants management, and communications workforce, including IT support, webtools, and designed outreach materials.  As needs arise WAFWA will work to assist you and leverage these resources for your work.


Coordinator acknowledges and agrees that Coordinator shall, during the term of this agreement, act at all times in WAFWA’s best interests, and shall not perform any act that would be reasonably foreseeable to injure WAFWA’s business, interests, or reputation. Such duty shall include, but not be limited to:

  1. Not permit personal interests or other client or employer relationships to interfere with their professional judgment.
  2. Not undertake any activities, particularly commercial activities, which may in any way adversely affect WAFWA, or any of its affiliates, or involves a possible conflict of interest or its affiliates.
  3. Disclose any outside activities or interests, including ownership or participation in other projects, that conflict or may conflict with the best interests of WAFWA.
  4. Work openly and directly with WAFWA’s Executive Leadership to advance the Trojan Fish Consortium in the best interest of WAFWA members and in accordance to the by-laws and strategic direction set by the board.


Development of any improvements to Intellectual Property WAFWA members or TMFC participants, further inventions or improvements, and any new items of Intellectual Property discovered or developed by Coordinator (or Coordinator’s employees, if any) during the term of this agreement shall be the property of WAFWA.


Interested applicants should contact Lance Hebdon (lance.hebdon@idfg.idaho.gov) with a brief cover letter/email stating their interest in the program, resume/cv, a summary of skills/experience relative to the stated duties, and any predetermined preference of employment structure from the options provided.  WAFWA has no preference for the exact type of employee and is focused on the skills and abilities of the best applicant available.

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