Deep in the West, under a secret rock in a cool stream, lies a prize worth finding. Anglers of all skill levels are invited to participate in the Western Native Trout Challenge and put the lure of the West on their bucket list. In addition to earning bragging rights and prizes at the Expert, Advanced and Master Levels, participants will help the Western Native Trout Initiative (WNTI) conserve 21 species of native trout.
The 12 states where these native trout can be found are Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. The state fish and wildlife agencies in each of the 12 states are partnering on the effort, along with the U.S. Forest Service, the federal Bureau of Land Management and Trout Unlimited.
“We’ve been working for decades with our partners to conserve and rebuild native trout species across the West,” said Ed Schriever, Director of Idaho Fish and Game Department and Chairman of the National Fish Habitat Partnership Board of Directors. “The Western Native Trout Challenge is a great way to promote angling for these beautiful fish, keep people connected to native fish and their habitat while raising awareness and support for the need to conserve them.”
Registration is $25 per adult and is free for those 17 and under. The vast majority (92%) of the fee will go toward helping conserve native trout populations for future generations to also enjoy. Anglers can get details on which fish to catch and where to find them at
Conservation scientist from across the West will be convening this month in Reno, Nevada to discuss implementation of the Western Monarch Butterfly Conservation Plan, which was approved by the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) earlier this year. The plan lays out monarch population size and habitat conservation goals, strategies, and actions for the monarch butterflies that overwinter along the California coast and range primarily across California, Arizona, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Utah. The upcoming “Take Flight” meeting will include presentations on monarch biology, conservation efforts, and an overview of the plan. Breakout sessions will focus on identifying conservation and research needs and on ways priority conservation actions can be implemented. You can register for the conference at the link below.REGISTER There’s new leadership at WAFWA. WAFWA’s Executive Committee selected Chris Moore to replace longtime Executive Secretary Larry Kruckenberg, who retired at the end of March. Moore was named Acting Executive Director of WAFWA and is working part-time in that capacity in a partnership arrangement with the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC). Moore is currently Executive Director of MAFMC, and his part-time services are being offered to WAFWA as part of professional development program. Moore will be working with WAFWA’s Executive Committee and Chief Financial Officer to implement WAFWA’s new strategic plan and transition the organization to an executive director leadership model. As part of the leadership transition at WAFWA, several strategic realignments are underway. WAFWA is aligning the organization with our new strategic plan and restructuring several programs to be better positioned to respond to challenges as well as future opportunities. As part of that process, the headquarters building has been put on the market. Once the building sells, WAFWA staff will move into more efficient and cost-effective quarters in Boise. Some new staffing changes are underway as well. While some positions have been down-sized, WAFWA is actively recruiting for a new program specialist to work out of the Boise office. The deadline for applications is June 14. Please share the job posting with others who may be interested.APPLY |
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