30th Pronghorn Workshop

June 24, 2024 - June 27, 2024

Redmond, Oregon

The Pronghorn Workshop is a biennial meeting held in even numbered years sanctioned by WAFWA.  The workshop provides a forum where leading pronghorn managers and researchers share research results, management strategies, and emerging issues in the realms of pronghorn management throughout North America. The Pronghorn Workshop began in 1965!

You are invited to attend the 30th Biennial Pronghorn Workshop. This year’s meeting will be hosted by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife at the Eagle Crest Resort, located in Redmond, Oregon from June 24-27, 2024.

Schedule of Events

June 24 – 27, 2024
Redmond, Oregon



$400 early bird registration (by May 10)
$450 regular registration (after May 10)
$300 student registration
$15 Thursday field trip (limited space)

Register now!


Eagle Crest Resort
in Redmond, Oregon
$191.00 per night (plus taxes & fees)
Room block held until May 31, 2024

Lodging Information


Gain exposure for your organization to
fish & wildlife professionals, to
network, and to exchange information
and ideas.

See our SPONSOR BROCHURE for more information.

Sponsor now!

Workshop Objectives

Slide Provide an opportunity for all persons interested in pronghorn to meet and discuss current research and management of the species and its habitat. Slide To provide a vehicle for disseminating research and management findings to various agencies and organizations interested with pronghorn management. Slide To promote species-oriented research for development of new information on all aspects of pronghorn ecology, life history, and management. Slide To identify particular problems associated with pronghorn management and to ... Slide To formulate recommendations and resolutions directed to the appropriate agency or organization, including the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Slide To promote cooperation among all agencies and organizations interested in pronghorn management and research.

Photo by: Tim Torrell (NV)

Schedule of Events

Call for Contributed Papers and Posters

Presentations on research, ecology, and management of North American Pronghorn are welcome. Oral presentations will be 15-minutes in length with additional time for questions. Presenters should prepare a MS PowerPoint presentation (.pptx, .ppt, ppsx, .pps) outlining the project. Additional audio/visual services may be available upon request. Submission of the PowerPoint presentation may be requested in advance of the conference, but presenters should be prepared to come to the Conference with their presentation on a Thumb Drive acceptable for use on a shared PC.

Deadline for Submissions:  May 1, 2024 - Get More Information

Call for Award Nominations

Three biennial recognitions of significant contributions to pronghorn research or management may be awarded. Award criteria and candidate qualifications are described below. Awards will be presented during banquet hours on June 26, 2024.

Deadline for Nominations:  May 1, 2024 - Get More Information

Featured Keynote Speaker

Becky Hatfield-Hyde

Becky Hatfield-Hyde is a rancher, writer and consultant who splits her time between the southeast and central Oregon communities of Beatty, Paisley and Brothers. She has spent the past 20 years working with Tribes, NGOs, elected officials and the agricultural community on water issues in the Klamath Basin, helping design the first Tribal water settlement in the Upper Basin on her family’s Yamsi Ranch. She has worked to sustain fish and wildlife on her ranch properties, including a current effort to enhance sage-grouse habitat on her family ranch near Brothers. She and her husband, Taylor, have five children.

Schedule of Events

WAFWA Pronghorn Workshop- June 24 – 27, 2024
DRAFT Schedule at a Glance – Subject to Change

Monday – June 24, 2024
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Registration Open, Exhibits & Poster Setup
5:00 PM – 9:00 PM Welcome Reception/Social

Tuesday – June 25, 2024
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM Breakfast
7:00 AM – 5:00 PM Registration Open
7:00 AM – 5:00 PM Exhibits & Posters Open
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM General Session
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Break w/ Sponsors/Exhibitors
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM General Session
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM General Session
3:00 PM – 3:30 PM Break w/ Sponsors/Exhibitors
Evening Dinner + Posters + Social

Wednesday – June 26, 2024
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM Breakfast
7:00 AM – 5:00 PM Registration Open
7:00 AM – 5:00 PM Exhibits & Posters Open
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM General Session
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Break w/ Sponsors/Exhibitors
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM General Session
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Lunch & Business Meeting
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM General Session
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM Break w/ Sponsors/Exhibitors
6:00 PM – 10:00 PM Banquet Dinner & Awards

Thursday – June 27, 2024
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM – 8:15 AM Board Buses for Field Trip
9:30 AM – 11:30 AM Field Trip
11:30 AM Board Busses & Travel to Eagle Crest

We welcome any suggestions for topics, discussion panels, papers, posters, and other ideas to help us reach these objectives. If there are other colleagues involved with the management or research of pronghorn and pronghorn habitats, please let us know or feel free to share.

Thank You to Our Workshop Sponsors!

Sponsored By:

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor


$400 early bird registration (by May 10, 2024)
$450 regular registration (after May 10, 2024)
$300 student registration
$15 Thursday field trip (limited space)

Registration fees include: access to all sessions, reception with Snacks on Monday, all Breakfast/Lunch/Dinners/Snack Tuesday & Wednesday, and Breakfast Thursday.

Participation in the field trip incurs a small additional fee.


Reserve early to guarantee a room and conference rates.

  • Eagle Crest Resort in Redmond, Oregon
    $191.00 per night (plus taxes and fees)
    Room block held until May 31, 2024 or until sold out (whichever comes first)
  • Booking Lodging:
    • Attendees must make their own lodging reservations and may only do so via phone. 
    • Please contact Eagle Crest Resort at 855-682-4786 and be sure to mention “WAFWA Pronghorn Workshop” to access the group rate.
  • Eagle Crest offers a complimentary shuttle to and from the Redmond Airport. Rideshare services in the area can be limited, so it is recommended attendees take advantage of this service. Attendees must contact the front desk in advance with their arrival/departure times to ensure the shuttle can accommodate them. Please call 541-923-2453.

Check out the Resort

Travel Information

Getting to Eagle Crest: For those flying to the meeting, Eagle Crest is a 15-minute drive from the Redmond Municipal Airport.  For those driving in, Eagle Crest has complimentary parking.

Getting to Redmond

Local Attractions

  • Learn about the area
  • Breakfast Joints
  • Hiking, Golfing, Biking

Guide to Local Attractions (PDF, 156KB)

A WAFWA Sanctioned Workshop

The Pronghorn Workshop is a biennial meeting held in even numbered years sanctioned by WAFWA.  The workshop provides a forum where leading pronghorn managers and researchers share research results, management strategies, and emerging issues in the realms of pronghorn management throughout North America. The Pronghorn Workshop began in 1965 as the Antelope States Workshop. View the Bylaws (PDF, 71 KB).

Workshops Proceeding (1965 - Today)


Pronghorn Management Guidelines
234 views / 13204 downloads
    September 1, 2014
Publication Details

Pronghorn Management Guidelines, 5th Edition

Biological and management principles and practices designed to sustain pronghorn populations in the USA, México, and Canada.

Recommended Citation:

Yoakum, J. D., P. F. Jones, J. Cancino, R. J. Guenzel, R. Seidler, A. Munguia-Vega, I. Cassaigne, and M. Culver. 2014. Pronghorn management guides. Fifth edition. Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies’ Pronghorn Workshop and New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico. 159 pp.

View the Pronghorn Bibliography


The Berrendo Award

The Berrendo Award is the most prestigious recognition offered through the Pronghorn Workshop. Berrendo is derived from the Spanish word for pronghorn—North America’s prairie speedster— that epitomizes the difficulty of being a remaining Pleistocene native in a modern world. The award will be bestowed on an individual or a group of collaborators/team that made major contributions to pronghorn ecology and management.

Award criteria include:

  • First choice will be given to a nominee that is either retired or deceased. Additional outstanding and exceptional candidates will also be considered.
  • Contribution(s) by nominees can be a lifetime (>10 years) career directly involved in pronghorn research or management.
  • Contribution(s) can be a major publication(s), including books, chapters of books, special reports, monographs, or other publications that have regional or range-wide significance.
  • Contribution(s) needs to have afforded significant scientific advancement in the management or research of pronghorn.
  • The contribution can represent either a single event or a long-term commitment to pronghorn.

Previous Winners of the Berrendo Award:

 2002:  Jim Yoakum (retired BLM), Verdi, Nevada

2004:  Bart O’Gara (deceased, Univ. of Montana Fish & Wildlife Coop. Unit), Lolo, MT 2006:  Tom Pojar (retired Colorado Division of Wildlife), Kremmling, Colorado

2008:  Richard Ockenfels (retired Arizona Game and Fish Department), Mayer, Arizona

2010:  Rich Guenzel (retired Wyoming Game and Fish Department), Laramie, Wyoming

2012:  None

2014:  Tommy Hailey (retired Texas Parks and Wildlife Department), Alpine, Texas

2016:  Jorge Cancino (Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas del Nosoeste, Baja California Sur,   Mexico

2018:  John A Byers (University of Idaho), Moscow, Idaho

Special Recognition Award

The Special Recognition Award was created to honor the many people, teams or organizations that have made worthy contributions that aid in the conservation of pronghorn. These can include projects that are oriented to pronghorn management, research or appreciation.

Award criteria include:

  • Nominee should be living and currently/recently active and involved in pronghorn conservation.
  • Contribution(s) should be an important event or accumulation of important contributions to pronghorn management, research, or appreciation.
  • Contribution(s) can be a new field or analytical technique that has regional or range -wide application.

Previous Special Recognition Award Recipients:

2002:  Karl Menzel (NE), Jorge Cancino (BCS, MX), Bill Rudd (WY), Richard Ockenfels (AZ)

2004:  Rich Guenzel (WY), Alice Koch (CA), John Hervert (AZ), Arizona Antelope Foundation (AZ)

2006:  Rick Danvir (UT), Fred Lindzey (WY), Rick Miller (AZ)

2008:  Morley Barrett (Alb, Canada), David Brown (AZ)

2014:  Joe Riis (SD), Hall Sawyer (WY), and Emilene Ostlind (WY)

2016:  Jorge Cancino (Mexico), Paul Jones (AB)

2018:  Bill Rudd (WY), Matt Kauffman (WY), Ken Gray (NV), Tom Warren (NV), Charlie Clements (NV), Jim Young (NV)

Pronghorn Hall of Fame

The Hall of Fame was created to honor historic individuals or groups/teams that accomplished outstanding services for pronghorn conservation prior to the establishment of the Berrendo Award (pre-2002). Those involved in pronghorn conservation today owe much to the efforts of pronghorn biologists, managers, researchers, and other conservationists that produced worthy efforts prior to the establishments of any awards. The Pronghorn Hall of Fame awards are an ongoing effort to formally recognize the careers and long-term contributions of our predecessors.

Criteria for presenting this award include:

  • The nominee must be retired or deceased (criteria accepted at 2006 Pronghorn Workshop).
  • An inductee may be a pronghorn advocate, a land manager, an agency biologist, an academic, an artist, or various combinations thereof.
  • Nominee’s career should have contributed to increases in pronghorn numbers, distribution, knowledge of, or appreciation.
  • Pronghorn conservation must have been a paramount part of nominee’s career (criteria accepted at 2006 Pronghorn Workshop).
  • Contributions must be of historic significance to the management, research, or conservation of pronghorn.
  • Contributions should have regional, national, or international value or application.
  • Contributions can be scientific or popular books, chapters of major books, a monograph, agency/organization special reports, or a number of articles (>5) in scientific or popular journals.
  • Contribution(s) can be an important scientific advancement in either a field or analytical technique.
  • All Berrendo Award winners will automatically be inducted into the Pronghorn Hall of Fame, either upon retirement or passing.

Previous Hall of Fame Inductees:

  • Jim D. Yoakum and Bart W. O’Gara (2002 and 2004 Berrendo Award recipients) automatically inducted.
  • Tom M. Pojar (2006 Berrendo Award recipient)
  • Arthur S. Einarsen (OR), Helmut K. Buechner (TX), and T. Paul Russell (NM) (2008 elected as members).
  • Richard A. Ockenfels (2008 Berrendo Award recipient).
  • Rich Guenzel (2010 Berrendo Award recipient).
  • Tommy Hailey (2014 Berrendo Award recipient)
  • Jorge Cancino (2016 Berrendo Award recipient)
  • William Hepworth (2016 selected member)
  • John A. Byers (2018 Berrendo Award recipient)