
Use of Trail Cameras for Managing Mule Deer

Posted by WAFWA on January 30, 2023
We sometimes consider remotely placed automated cameras (trail cameras) to be a recent invention, yet remotely triggered cameras have been used since the early 1900s when trip wires and fl ash bulbs were used to capture images of wildlife. By the early 1980s, technology had advanced to include infrared beam…
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Fact Sheet 39: Chronic Wasting Disease

Posted by WAFWA on May 15, 2021
A product of the Mule Deer Working Group – Sponsored by the Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies. Produced with support from the Mule Deer Foundation (www.muledeer.org) – Approved January 2021…
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Fact Sheet 38: Habitat Projects on Fed Public Lands WEB

Posted by WAFWA on May 14, 2021
Achieving successful conservation outcomes for mule deer often requires working closely with multiple stakeholders, including state and federal agencies, tribes, landowners, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Understanding how these different organizations operate and engage with each other to develop and implement cooperative habitat conservation projects is important for planning purposes. This…
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Fact Sheet 37: Mule Deer GPS Collar Technology

Posted by WAFWA on January 1, 2021
Global Positioning System (GPS) collars have widespread use in mule deer research and management, relying on a network of satellites to record the animal’s location at regular time intervals. Data collected from GPS collars are commonly used to analyze mule deer movements, distribution, survival, and habitat use. Advances in technology…
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Fact Sheet 36: Role of Private Lands in Mule Deer Management

Posted by WAFWA on January 1, 2021
Mule deer occur in northern Mexico and 24 western states, Canadian provinces, and territories. Private lands comprise more than 60% of mule deer range throughout North America, which underscores the importance of private lands and landowners to mule deer. Managing mule deer on private lands presents unique challenges, but these…
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Fact Sheet 35: Using Teeth to Age Mule Deer

Posted by WAFWA on January 1, 2020
A product of the Mule Deer Working Group – Sponsored by the Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies. Produced with support from the Mule Deer Foundation (www.muledeer.org) – Approved January 2020…
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Fact Sheet 34: Mule Deer and the Farm Bill

Posted by WAFWA on January 1, 2020
A product of the Mule Deer Working Group – Sponsored by the Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies. Produced with support from the Mule Deer Foundation (www.muledeer.org) – Approved January 2020…
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Fact Sheet 33: Aerial Inventory for Mule Deer Management

Posted by WAFWA on January 1, 2019
A product of the Mule Deer Working Group – Sponsored by the Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies. – Approved January 2019 Produced with support from the Mule Deer Foundation • www.muledeer.org…
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Fact Sheet 32: Historical and Current Mule Deer Abundance

Posted by WAFWA on January 1, 2019
A product of the Mule Deer Working Group – Sponsored by the Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies. Produced with support from the Mule Deer Foundation (www.muledeer.org) – Approved January 2019…
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Fact Sheet 31: Assessing Mule Deer Harvest

Posted by WAFWA on January 1, 2019
A product of the Mule Deer Working Group – Sponsored by the Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies. Produced with support from the Mule Deer Foundation (www.muledeer.org) – Approved January 2019…
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