HomeEnergy Development Guidelines for Mule Deer

Energy Development Guidelines for Mule Deer

This document establishes guidelines that will enable energy development to proceed in a manner reasonably compatible with habitat requirements of mule and black-tailed deer. These Energy Development Guidelines for Mule Deer will help resource managers focus on pre-project risk assessments, appropriate project designs, effective mitigation and reclamation, and adequate monitoring to better conserve mule deer habitats through adaptive management. Historically, the federal process of energy leasing and development has been too inflexible to apply best technology and information currently available. These guidelines represent the state of our knowledge at the time of publication, but it is the intent of the Mule Deer Working Group that they be promptly updated with all subsequent and pertinent research that becomes available to decision makers.

Suggested Citation: Lutz, D. W., J. R. Heffelfinger, S. A. Tessmann, R. S. Gamo, and S. Siegel. 2011. Energy Development Guidelines for Mule Deer. Mule Deer Working Group, Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, USA.

A product of the Mule Deer Working Group - Sponsored by the Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies

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  • File Type pdf
  • File Size 4.87 MB
  • Publication Date July 1, 2011
  • Download Count (since 10/2020) [5255]