SAVE THE DATE. The Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council (NWSGC) 25th Biennial Symposium will be held in Elko, Nevada June 15-18, 2026.
The Northern Wild Sheep & Goat Council’s Workshop is a biennial meeting held in even numbered years. The workshop provides a forum where leading wild sheep and goat managers and researchers share research results, management strategies, and emerging issues in the realms of wild sheep and goat management throughout North America. Please visit
Information below is from previous meetings. This will be updated as the 2026 workshop planning takes place.
Deadline for Abstract Submission: January 15, 2024. View the Details (HERE).
The Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council (NWSGC) 24th Biennial Symposium will be held in Anchorage, Alaska April 30-May 2, 2024. We invite submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentations. This symposium is sanctioned by the Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies and is being hosted by the Alaska Department of Game & Fish. The organizing committee is accepting abstracts reporting on scientific investigations of bighorn sheep, thinhorn sheep, mountain goats, and related mountain ungulates. Papers and posters will be selected based on their relevance to research and management of wild sheep and mountain goats and their habitats. Session topics will cover ecology, management, disease and health, and others suggested by submissions.
Host Agency: Alberta Environment & Parks, Fish and Wildlife Division, Beth MacCallum, Chair. The Alberta organizing committee rescheduled the virtual 2020 Biennial Symposium to November 3-5, 2020.
• View the 2020 NWSGC Symposium Virtual Presentations posted on the Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council (
The Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council (NWSGC) is a non-profit, international scientific and educational organization dedicated to the management and conservation of northern wild sheep and mountain goat populations and their habitats in North America. Please visit:
The Northern Wild Sheep Council was established in 1968 by a group of scientists from the U.S. and Canada. In 1978, our organization was renamed the Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council, to reflect our interest in mountain sheep and mountain goats in North America.