HomeAwardsWallmo Award

Wallmo Award

For Contributions to Knowledge and Improved Management of Black-tailed and Mule Deer

The Family of the late Dr. O.C. “Charlie” Wallmo have provided for a biennial award, known as the “Wallmo Award.”  The Wallmo Award is presented to individuals in recognition of outstanding contributions to knowledge and improved management of mule and black-tailed deer.  The award consists of a bronze mule deer sculptured by Charlie Wallmo’s son, Joe. B. Wallmo of Colorado. 

The award is presented in conjunction with the biennial Western States and Provinces Deer and Elk Workshop sponsored by the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA).

O. C. “Charlie” Wallmo

A little bit about Olof Charles Wallmo  1919-1982. O. C. “Charlie” Wallmo was born in Iowa in 1919 and studied forestry and wildlife at the University of Wisconsin and University of Montana before completing his Bachelor’s degree at Utah State University in 1947.  He returned to the UW for his Masters Degree and then to Texas A&M University for a Ph.D.  Through is work in Texas, Arizona, Alaska and the Rocky Mountains, Dr. Wallmo pioneered research that resulted in many of the fundamental and foundational concepts in wildlife management.  He conducted the first comprehensive study of the ecology of scaled quail early in his career.  He was also one of the first to use free-ranging tame deer as research tools to elucidate diet, behavior, and metabolism of mule deer.  Charlie was sought-after for his knowledge of mule deer nutrition and the effects of habitat manipulations on deer population dynamics.  His work in the central Rockies showed the benefits of small forest clearcuts to deer nutrition and early work on deer survey methodology formed the basis for improved management of deer populations.  His efforts in Southeast Alaska demonstrated the value of overstory cover for black-tailed deer during winter.  Charlie published more than 50 significant publications and his edited tome “Mule and Black-tailed Deer of North America” still serves as the primary source of basic information about that species.   Even though he was known for his dedication to science and the scientific process, his legacy is not volumes of esoteric scientific publications or reams of data analysis, but important contributions to the body of knowledge wildlife managers used for decades as the foundation for improved management.  Many of his former graduate students have become known for their work with cervids across North America.

Charlie enjoys lunch in the canyon
Charlie enjoys lunch in the canyon

The deadline for the next nominations is April 1, 2025

Nominations should include: (1) A brief justification and resume of the qualifications of the nominee; (2) Copies of appropriate reports/publications or reference to same; (3) Supporting letters from at least two other individuals familiar with or capable of objective assessment of the nominee and contributions upon which the nomination is based.  Both short–term and long-term contributions will be considered. Electronic or hard copy formats will be accepted.

Please send nominations to:
Justin Shannon, Wallmo Award Chair
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
1594 W. North Temple | Salt Lake City, UT 84116

Additional information may be obtained from Justin Shannon, (435) 820-6018, justinshannon@utah.gov.

Related Working Group

Mule Deer Working Group


Award Recipients

Hall Sawyer, 2023

Hall Sawyer accepts the 2023 Wallmo Award in Tucson, Arizona.

Kevin Monteith, 2021

Kevin Monteith accepts the 2021 Walmo Award.

Gary C. White, 2019

Gary White (right) accepts the 2019 Wallmo Award in Marfa, TX.

Mark Hurley, 2017

Mark Hurley accepts the 2017 O.C. Wallmo Award in Sun Valley, Idaho.

R. Terry Bowyer, 2015

R. Terry Bowyer (L) accepts the 2015 Wallmo Award from Toby Boudreau (R), Wallmo Award Committee Chair in Canmore, Alberta.

Dave Pac, 2013

Dave Pac, accepting the 2013 Wallmo Award in Missoula, MT.

Jim Heffelfinger, 2011

Jim Heffelfinger, Mule Deer Working Group Chair, accepting the 2011 Wallmo Award in Albuquerque, NM.

Dale McCullough, 2009

Dale McCullough accepting his 2009 Wallmo Award in Spokane, WA

Len Carpenter, 2007

Len Carpenter (center) accepting his 2007 Wallmo Award with colleagues Bruce Gill, Dave Freddy, Gary White, and Dave Pac.