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Western State, Federal, and Tribal Partners Map Ungulate Migration Corridors

Posted by WAFWA on April 11, 2022
There is perhaps nothing more evocative of the American West than herds of elk, mule deer or pronghorn moving freely across the landscape. And a new series of detailed maps reveals their migration pathways -- thanks to a team of state, federal and tribal scientists.
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Aerial Surveys to Document Lesser Prairie-Chicken Population Trends

Posted by WAFWA on March 15, 2022
Aerial surveys will begin March 23 and run through mid-May in five states containing lesser prairie-chicken habitat.
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Continued funding will help WAFWA protect the Western Monarch

Posted by WAFWA on March 10, 2022
The Monarch Joint Venture just announced their 2022 Partner Grant Awards that included an award to the paired Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) and Washington State University.
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New Film Launched: “The Need for Flexibility”

Posted by WAFWA on January 26, 2022
An exciting new film produced by the Intermountain West Joint Venture highlights the benefits of the Bureau of Land Management’s Outcome-Based Grazing program.
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Angler spent months chasing native trout across the West

Posted by WAFWA on January 6, 2022
Read the latest news excitement from the Western Native Trout Challange.
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Cortney Mycroft joins WAFWA

Posted by WAFWA on November 29, 2021
WAFWA welcome Mrs. Cortney Mycroft to the team as their new Coordinator of Executive Operations and Communications.
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Western resilience seen along the Bear River

Posted by WAFWA on October 8, 2021
Ranchers find new, more sustainable ways to draw water from the river. An article by Shara Sparks and Therese Thompson in The Salt Lake Tribune.
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Posted by WAFWA on September 2, 2021
Learn more about WAFWA’s 2021 updated business plan for the Range-wide Oil and Gas Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances (CCAA) for the Lesser Prairie-Chicken.
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