North-central Oregon. Photo Credit: Dan Meyers
HomeInitiativesSagebrush Conservation Initiative

Sagebrush Conservation Initiative

The Sagebrush Conservation Initiative was formed to identify and fill the highest priority gaps in scientific knowledge needed to effectively conserve sagebrush dependent species and the sagebrush habitats they depend on. Our goal is “A healthy, working sagebrush landscape for people and wildlife“.

Sagebrush Conservation Strategy

A Sagebrush Conservation Strategy to guide our collective efforts to conserve the sagebrush biome

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The multi-agency Wildfire and Invasive Species Working Group works to identify and address fire and invasive plant management problems to promote healthy sagebrush habitats.

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The multi-agency Sagebrush Science Initiative identifies and fills the highest priority gaps in scientific knowledge needed to effectively conserve sagebrush species and their habitats.

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Feature Publication

Western Weed Action Plan

Western Weed Action Plan
262 views / 12799 downloads
    April 1, 2019
Publication Details

This document was the vision of the participants of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA), Western Invasive Weed Summit (2015 Summit), held in Boise, Idaho in the fall of 2015. Approximately 250 invasive plant species experts, private and federal land managers, biologists, administrators, and scientists attended the summit.

One of the major outcomes of the 2015 Summit was the call to develop a multi-agency action plan to address the challenges and barriers created by the establishment and expansion of invasive plant species in the west. Without the collective wisdom of the 2015 Summit participants and their support for the development of the plan, this effort would not have been initiated. The resulting Action Plan is thus, based on information and experience from a broad range of agencies, both State and Federal, agricultural, and wildlife based.

The final product is truly a collaborative effort of these diverse disciplines, uniquely linked by a common concern with the threat of invasive weed expansion into the sagebrush biome negatively, affecting the Western way of life, economy, and its native wildlife. VIEW

Past Workshops

Sagebrush Initiative Committee (SIC)

The Sagebrush Initiative Committee (formerly known as Sagebrush Executive Oversight Committee) was formed by WAFWA in 2008 (as an outgrowth of the 2006 Sage-grouse Comprehensive Conservation Strategy. The SIC consists of leadership of State wildlife agencies and Federal agencies with responsibilities and authority for management of sagebrush dependent wildlife or their habitat. The Chair of the Sagebrush Initiative Committee is Angi Bruce, Deputy Director of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. The Vice-Chair is Ashley Green, Assistant Director of Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.

Sage & Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Technical Committee

The vision and purpose of this technical committee is to provide technical assistance to the SIC and assist in implementation of sagebrush ecosystem conservation priorities throughout the western U.S.. See more on the Technical Committee webpage.

Members List

Angi Bruce, Chair
Wyoming Game & Fish
Ashley Green, Vice-Chair
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources