Access and Engagement Committee

The WAFWA Access and Engagement Committee was established in 2020 by the President to be comprised of members from the Board. The committee’s approved Statement of Purpose: 

“To support efforts of WAFWA public agencies to create a more accessible and engaging workforce by eliminating barriers and developing broad and meaningful relationships with an array of people and organizations.


  1. Assist our agencies to develop a foundational understanding of the terms accessible and engagement.
  2. Be a resource for agencies that are striving to create a more broad-minded and engaging workforce.
  3. Be a resource for agencies to help them develop meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships with myriad individuals and groups that have been overlooked in the natural resource field. 


  1. Create an AEC resource library with contacts, books, webinars, TED talks, training resources, etc., that will be available for all WAFWA member agencies. 
  2. Provide training opportunities in workforce access and engagement outreach, recruitment and retention, hiring with an impartial lens, and creating a welcoming work environment.
  3. Provide training opportunities in open-mindedness and objectivity. 
  4. Share best encompassing practices among our agencies.  Acknowledge and celebrate our successes. 
  5. Be a supportive and confidential listening ear for employees that are striving to work toward achieving their agency access and engagement goals. 

Student Engagement Program

Visit our Student Engagement Program page to get more information!

2022 WAFWA Summer Meeting – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Minutes

WAFWA DEI Self-Assessment Final Report

Members List

Heather Disney Dugan, Chair
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
David Buggs, Vice-Chair
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Susan Steffen, Vice-Chair
Kansas Dept. of Wildlife & Parks