The Climate Adaptation Committee was established by the President to be comprised of members from the Board as appointed by the President and affirmed by the Board. The Committee will function as WAFWA’s principal forum for discussion, gathering information and/or identifying actions relative to all aspects of climate adaptations as it relates to fish and wildlife. The committee’s approved Statement of Purpose:
“Increasing coordination and communication among western states/provinces on key climate change related issues;
• Providing a venue to share information with state, federal, and provincial partners, as well as other conservation partners to improve development, integration, and implementation of fish and wildlife conservation plans and habitat objectives into state and federal agency planning;
• Identifying regional approaches for fish and wildlife monitoring, evaluation, and management responses;
• Creating a network of climate change contacts in Western North America that will work together to share information;
• Supporting regional efforts to develop strategies to manage the effects of climate related changes to fish and wildlife habitats;
• Identifying cross cutting issues that require multi-state coordination and collaboration;
• Advancing priorities or actions for discussion and consideration by the designated committee(s) within WAFWA;
• Monitoring and informing western states about the potential for future funding from federal climate change legislation.”