Western Quail Working Group

Western Quail Working Group

Gambel’s Quail, New Mexico. Photo Credit – Elroy Limmer

The establishment of the Western Quail Working Group (WQWG) was  approved by the WAFWA President and directors in July of 2009. Membership includes representatives from state and federal wildlife agencies who are knowledgeable about western quail species and have management responsibilities within their respective jurisdiction, or in the case of the federal agencies, have land management responsibilities and oversight. The working group’s approved Statement of Purpose:

“To implement the habitat objectives and management recommendations outlined in the Western Quail Management Plan.”

Western Quail Management Plan

The Western Quail Management Plan was published in November 2009 by The Wildlife Management Institute and was a collaborative effort by many organizations, entities and agencies, but one that could not have been completed without the support and staff time obligated by WAFWA member agencies to write this conservation plan.

The working group has developed and executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) among the involved states of WAFWA in furtherance of this Statement of Purpose. The MOU provides guidance and direction to the working group.

Western Quail Management Plan
58 views / 1882 downloads
    November 1, 2009
Publication Details

California Quail ▪ Montezuma Quail ▪ Mountain Quail ▪ Scaled Quail ▪ Masked Bobwhite Gambel’s Quail

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Members List

Casey Cardinal, Chair
New Mexico Dept. of Game and Fish
Michael Sloane, Director Sponsor
New Mexico Dept. of Game and Fish