HomeInitiativesWestern Grasslands InitiativeLesser Prairie-Chicken

Lesser Prairie-Chicken

Two-pronged strategy for conservation
Nesting Bird Image

Slide An iconic American grouse species that occupies native grasslands and prairies of the southern Great Plains. Slide its population has declined hundreds of thousands Once numbering in the Slide WAFWA's 2022 aerial survey results estimate the 3-year average population to be 32,058 Slide The decline is due largely to habitat loss and fragmentation across the southern Great Plains Slide of the species habitat
has diminished across their historical range
Slide In 2012 a unique partnership began across the species range to work towards conservation of the species and its habitats in the southern Great Plains. Slide WAFWA’s Lesser Prairie Chicken
Range-wide Conservation Plan
The Lesser Prairie-Chicken Range-wide Conservation Plan
932 views / 22794 downloads
    October 1, 2013
Publication Details
WAFWA in partnership with New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas


The range-wide plan brings together the various programs and efforts working toward conservation of lesser prairie-chicken and its habitats, to provide a common and unified partnership approach.  The plan emphasizes shared resources such as conservation planning tools and encourages private landowners and others to partner with agencies and organizations in their conservation efforts.

EXPLORE – Shared Conservation Resources & Tools

Slide SPECIES CONSERVATION Click Here Explore the story of the lesser prairie-chicken and the efforts to conserve this emblematic species of the Southern Great Plains. Slide Enrollment Opportunity for Private Landowners PROGRAMS Click Here Habitat Restoration Funds Available! Slide Lesser Prairie-Chicken
Population Estimates
REPORTS Click Here
Slide Annotated Genome Assembly of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken SCIENCE Click Here Annotated Genome Assembly of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken 2023 Slide Southern Great Plains CHAT Geospatial data to help prioritize conservation efforts GEOSPATIAL Click Here Slide Lesser Prairie-Chicken Habitat Evaluation Forms Lesser Prairie-Chicken Habitat Evaluation updated 2022 MONITORING Click Here Slide 2022 Lesser Prairie-Chicken Estimated Population Size REPORT Click Here Slide Field Identification Guide for Common LPC Plants PUBLICATIONS Click Here Slide Guidance on how to
build a cover pole
Slide Fence Visual Markers FACT SHEET Click Here to reduce wildlife collision Slide Stock Tank Escape Ramps FACT SHEET Click Here to reduce wildlife drowning


The Range-Wide Oil & Gas Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances for the Lesser Prairie-Chicken (CCAA) is a voluntary conservation strategy administered by WAFWA and permitted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). The CCAA provides incentives for enrolled oil & gas industry participants to avoid, minimize and mitigate impacts to the lesser prairie-chicken while providing regulatory assurances regarding the effect, if any, that an ESA listing would have on their operations.


The CCAA incentivizes the location of new oil and gas developments within areas already impacted by infrastructure.

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When avoidance is not possible, the CCAA incentivizes the location of new oil & gas developments outside of high-quality habitat.

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When industry activities occur to LPC habitat which cannot be fully addressed through avoidance, the CCAA employs a 2:1 mitigation ratio.

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EXPLORE – Shared Mitigation Resources & Tools

Slide Learn about the CCAA's Conservation Measures to avoid or minimize impacts to the LPC and its habitat. CONSERVATION MEASURES Click Here Slide 1 2023
CCAA Fact Sheet
REPORTS Click Here
Slide Learn About the Benefits of Remediation HABITAT Click Here Slide 1 2023
CCAA Progress Report
REPORTS Click Here

Conservation Benefit

The CCAA conservation strategy provides benefits to the species well beyond the program’s USFWS permit requirements. This is realized primarily through industry’s voluntary conservation actions, such as implement of voluntary conservation measures, promoting remediation, providing lek survey information, supporting WAFWA’s conservation efforts beyond whats required by the permit, and by providing the necessary resources to advance some of the best science available.

Learn More

CCAA Operational Overview

Adaptive Managment Changes

CCAA Annual Progress Reports

Participant Resources

Contact Us

Chanda Pettie
Lesser Prairie-Chicken Program Director
Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies

Jeff Davis
LPC Initiative Council Chair
Director of Colorado Parks & Wildlife

Support Incentive-based
Voluntary Conservation

Promote Shared
Approaches, Resources & Tools

Encourage Impact
Avoidance & Minimization

Document Name Last Updated File Size Download
2013. Lesser Prairie Chicken Range-Wide Conservation Plan 2/28/2023 7.37 mb Download
2014. CCAA Permit No. TE27289B-0 9/05/2023 1.88 mb Download
3/02/2025 0 kb Download